
What is a Frame?

A frame is a pre-built set of properties that can be assigned to an item all at once. Frames are created and updated by group managers.

Note the Frames Layer requires the Tags and Attributes Layers as dependencies.

Table Breakdown

Table Name: frames

Table Scope: self

Additional Indices


Create a Frame

To create a new frame call the newframe() action.

Required Authority: group.manager

Action Parameters


cleos push action {account} newframe '[ ... ]' -p {manager}

Apply a Frame

To apply a frame to an Item call the applyframe() action.

Required Authority: group.manager

Action Parameters


cleos push action {account} applyframe '[ ... ]' -p {manager}

Quick Build an Item

Frames offer a special action called quickbuild() that will mint a new item, apply a frame, and then apply frame default override values - all at once. This is a preferred method for rapid complex item creation.

Required Authority: group.manager

Action Parameters


cleos push action {account} quickbuild '[ ... ]' -p {manager}

Remove a Frame

To remove a frame call the rmvframe() action.

Required Authority: group.manager

Action Parameters


cleos push action {account} rmvframe '[ ... ]' -p {manager}

Last updated